bingoBingo Hall

Special version with Bingo Hall 30.000 cartons and more…

Designed for customers who Bingo Las Vegas they are too small, present Bingo Hall with the following characteristics:

– incorporates 30.000 cards.
– Printing series (AA to ZZ)
– Add your own copyright in printing cartons.
– Printing on A4 pages 3, 4, 8 O 12 cards (2 series) per sheet
– Cartons designer to customize the most of your cards.
– Extracting numbers automatically or manually.
– Extracting numbers by using a drum (external).
– Deselects the removal of the last / s number / s.
– Automatic checking lines and bingos sung.
– Counters Balls: You learned, And subtract Latest 5.
– sound messages and sings the numbers (customizable voice)
– Awards and Prices percentage or fixed amount.
– Calculations in the local currency of each country
– Accrued Bingos
– Screen resolution 800×600, 1024×768, 1280×800, 1366×768 and Full Screen.
– Direct operation with keyboard, without being essential mouse.
– Free technical support via email during 3 months.

Can see Here the program manual to become familiar with all the options, and you can also download a demo from the operational section downloads.

Available in 2 versions: and (standard) y vP (plus). What are the differences? Consult for versions vP.

Compare here Sala Bingo with Bingo Las Vegas. If you only need to print cards, see our Cards Printer or the Printer for Printer Office.

trolley 149,95€ trolley 104,97 €
Bingo Hall (and)
Bingo Hall (and) Lic. + additional maintenance
until 30.000 cards (without cartons or repeated lines) and many other options for rooms and / or large rocks. It includes a Designer to customize printing. Additional licenses (2nd room for, booking if the main computer fails, etc) Discount 25% (40% if you hire maintenance).
It is an optional service if contact you back. Please contact us for more information.